I can't believe it's a whole week since I packed up my bags, jumped in the car and headed across to Peterborough. After a wonderful week in the life of Create and Craft TV, 19 fabulous shows, nearly 60 demonstrations I arrived back home late last night to see the munchkins and open all my birthday cards and presents. Huge thanks to everyone who tuned into the shows, sent in e mails, I know we didn't get to read all of them out but we did read them off air. Lovely comments and great feedback on the shows too so hue thanks for those too. Here's the link to the last of our shows, and the fabulous DCWV paper stacks at Create and Craft http://www.createandcraft.tv/ShowGridView.aspx?showId=2478556 I was really good over the week and tucked into M & S salads and lo fat puds every day, with the exception of Sunday when I pushed the boat out and dined on a KFC washed down with a couple of glasses of Chardonnay lol!! My lovely scales tell m...