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I'm home

Oriental Slipper - Made from a template by The House of Zadra 
Oriental Slipper front detail 
Hi everyone 

I'm home from hospital with a shiny new hip joint and socket,  a ton of painkillers which I'm tucking into, two new walking sticks, a sponge on a stick for a quick wash (no showers or baths for at least 6 weeks!!!) and a handy pick up thingy to help me get dressed, and pick up the things I can't bend down and reach for a while.  I've donated my bone to help others have the treatment they need too which feels good.  
I've got some great helpers supporting me, especially Andy, aka the crafty elf, Oli and Beckie and H and would  like to thank them for what they've done so far.  

I'd  also like to thank all of the theatre staff, especially my anaesthetist who was just a darling, the nursing staff including my oldest and dearest friend Linda and the three physio's at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham for all their help and support over the past few days.  They made what could have been quite a traumatic ordeal into quite a pleasant stay all things considered !!! lol.   James Martin, the gorgeous chef on Saturday Morning Kitchen has recently revamped all the meals at the hospital so we, the patients  were treated to an amazingly tasty choice of food three times a day.  Its not going to be the same at home !!!!!!  


  1. Oh, sweet Clare! Hope you get better very, very soon. Sending you love and prayers from across the pond. Hugs, Ruth Ann :)

    1. Hi Ruth Ann, thank you so much for your message, love and prayers. It's lovely to be home, all I have to do now is get mobile again.

      Hugs C x

  2. Hope you up and running around real soon Clare, just think of all that craftin you can get stuck into, gorgeous shoe, love these templates from The House of Zandra

    1. Hi Daniele, thank you so much for your lovely message. Can't imagine being able to run around at the mo but know it wont be long before I can :-) Hugs C

    2. Clare, so glad that everything is going so well and that you are back home. Keep up the good work. Before you know it you will be out dancing the nights away. Joynana

  3. Hi Astrid, thanks so much for your lovely message. Hugs from me to Bw C

  4. Hi Clare, glad to hear that everything went to plan and your stay in hospital wasn't to stressful. Just don't plan on wearing any slippers like the beautiful one you've just posted for a little while yet!!!
    Take care

    1. Hi Trudi, thanks for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment. I'm currently sporting real sexy anti blood clotting pop socs at the mo courtesy of the NHS which definitely wouldn't look cool in beautiful slippers lol!!!!! Hugs C

  5. You take good care of yourself Clare. Get well soon. I love the beautiful slipper!!! Beautiful. Hugs, Mary

    1. Hi Mary, thanks for your lovely message and coments on my little slipper. Recovering well according to the nurse who called by today and feel great today from the hip upwards :-) Hugs C

  6. Wishing you a speedy recovery Clare. You will be back on your feet before you know it. Hugs to you. Sarah x

    1. Hi Sarah, lovely to hear from you,and thank you for your well wishes. Am feeling good today and getting around real slow on my new pin :-) Hugs C x

  7. Hi Clare, Good to hear all went well for you and wishing you a very speedy recovery. Best Wishes from Aus. xoxo Marg

    1. Hi Marg, thank you so much for your message and well wishes. Am getting about on my sticks albeit slowly. hugs to you too. Bw Clare

  8. My no water bathing consists of swipes here and there with a pre-moistened make-up remover towelette (as needed :). That's what they're called here in the states. They aren't too harsh and have a nice fragrance. My mom had this surgery a couple years back and it has been very successful. Sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    1. Hello there, thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your lovely message. I'm stacked up with face wipes and am doing exactly what you do :-) but keep looking longingly at the bath. I've got a real mischievous urge to fill it to the brim with bubbles and jump in :-) Bw Clare

  9. Hi Clare, sorry to hear about your hospital stay. Get well soon. I love your things and want to see lots more. Speedy recovery to you. Take care. Cindy

    1. Hi Cindy, thanks for stopping by and your get well wishes. I'm feeling like a new woman from the hips up - just got to wrk on the old leg and building up the muscles. I'm sure crafting will be part of my recovery therapy. Hugs Clare

  10. So pleased to hear the op went well. Any plans for a mini album with pics of your scar - suitably embellished and blinged-up of course!

    Here's to a speedy recovery!


    1. Hi Marion, thanks so much for your get well wishes. I'm not sure I'll be sharing pics of my scar in an album. My legs swollen up to twice its normal size !!!!! and I haven t seen my scar yet myself as its across my but an leg top but may get the nurse to take a picture on tuesday when I have my dressing changed. Sitting on staples is a bit weird, can't wait for them to be taken out in 10 days or so. :-) Hugs Clare

  11. Morning Clare, Brilliant news, so glad you are now home and that your stay in the hospital wasn't as bad as it could have been. James Martin's food huh, you lucky lady. You will feel much better being in your own home, and before you know it you will be mobile once again, you have some lovely people to take care of you. My thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery now, you have got the worst over with.
    Beautiful shoe by the way, gorgeous colours.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

    1. Hi Patricia, thanks so much for your lovely message. Am feeling good today, still taking the morphine though so a bit doo lally at times. Am getting about just fine in the house on my sticks and doing my exercises to get the old leg working again. Glad you liked the little shoe. Zandra designs the most amazing templates. Love Clare xx

  12. Glad things are going well with you Clare and I am sending wishes for continued recovery.

  13. I am sending good wishes as well. Your Slipper is beautiful!

    1. Hi Anita, thanks for stopping by the old blog and for your well wishes. Check out Zandra s site for more inspirational templates. Bw Clare

  14. Morning Clare

    Glad you are feeling a bit better, bad about the bath, don't think i could go without mine
    Back from Belfast show, saw lots of lovely crafters, but full of a cold, so you had better send the Elf over to look after me!!

    Sending big hugs, and look on our Facebook page as some messages from ladies
    speak soon
    ali and iain xx

    1. Hello both, lovely to hear from you and sorry to hear your full of cold. The Elf is here so have asked him to wiggle on over to yours for a bit of pampering. He's been a great help already this end which is wonderful as I can't bend, pick anything up, lift tc................. Speak later in the week. Big hugs to you both Clariieeeeee xx

  15. Welcome Home! I wish you a speedy recovery.


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